Contact:Huang Kesheng (General Manager)
Zip code:515500
Add:Yunlu industrial zone, Jiedong, Jieyang, Guangdong, China
 mulching film series
  black alternating with white mulching film
  Product code:千田黑白相间覆盖地膜
  Width:1000mm - 3000mm
  Thickness:0.015mm - 0.03mm

The black and white film is a new type of film, which is a kind of multi-functional film, which has the advantages of increasing temperature and soil moisture preservation of white mulch, and the weeding effect of black mulch. To promote early maturing of crops, increase production output and quality, reduce workload, reduce production cost.

To compare with white film,  using double color film can reduce the workload of pressing film, weeding and sealing hole.